
There is the opportunity to sponsor the awards. For more information, please contact corporate@ndna.org.uk or call 01484 407070.

Enter the awards

No, you will need to create a brand new login for this platform. This is a separate platform to the NDNA website, so your usual login will not work here.

  1. Click on the 'Your Account' tab at the top of the votendna.org.uk website
  2. Once on that page, click the 'Don't have an account? Click here' button at the bottom
  3. After filling in your details, a verification link will be emailed to you.
  4. Click on the link that's emailed to you to verify your email address. 
  5. Click on the award categories and select the award you would like to apply for.

Our entry deadline is 31 January 2025. Once the entry deadline has passed, we will not be able to accept late entries.

The NDNA Awards 2025 are open to NDNA members only. Award winners from the previous year cannot enter the same award the following year. Award winners can enter a different award.

You will receive an email when you first register to validate your account. If you are having trouble, please contact us and we can re-send you an email to validate your account. You will be prevented from submitting entries if your account is not validated.

Yes, you may enter multiple categories. However, only one entry per category is permitted. For example, one setting can only nominate one practitioner for Practitioner of the Year.

Award winners from the previous year cannot enter the same award the following year. Award winners can enter a different award.

All of our categories are free to enter.

Check your spam/ junk folder and wait 30 minutes, if you still haven’t received it after this time call us on 01484 407070 or email awards@ndna.org.uk

Only parents or carers of registered nursery children can vote for the awards.

Only one vote per parent/carer of a registered nursery child is permitted per award. If there are two children, then the parent/carer can submit two votes by using a separate email address per child when registering. Please see the Terms and Conditions for further details about fraudulent voting and deliberate attempts to manipulate the awards outcome.

If you are unable to upload your evidence via the website, please contact awards@ndna.org.uk for support. Please do not send any physical evidence to the NDNA sites.

If you are having any issues with using our online awards platform, please contact awards@ndna.org.uk and we will be happy to help.

Yes, you can let us know if you want to withdraw one of your submissions. 

No, you can return at any time and add new awards to your registration. Your submission will automatically be saved, which you will see in 'Your Account' under 'saved items'.

Yes, you still have time to ask your parents to vote and don’t forget we base our decisions on the quality of evidence as well as the number of parent votes.

Please make sure your submission is not sat in your saved items in  'Your Account'. You will need to move your submission(s) from your saved items into your basket and complete your transaction.

Please check to see if you have uploaded any mandatory evidence to your application. Evidence is mandatory in various awards categories. Please also check you have filled in all mandatory fields.

Please note, we cannot accept entries from NDNA members who

  • do not have the required inspection gradings
  • have won the same award category they are wanting to apply for in the previous year
  • are a setting belonging to an NDNA trustee.

If there are still issues, please contact awards@ndna.org.uk and we will be happy to help.


All entries are checked by NDNA’s shortlisting committee for Ofsted inspection rating, several votes (where applicable), quality of nursery submission, comments, and testimonials from parents/carers. A list of finalists is compiled, and then further information is sought either by email, telephone, interview, or a face-to-face visit to put before our judging panel.

As per the Terms and Conditions, the decision taken by the shortlisting committee and the judging panel will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

You can email us at awards@ndna.org.uk and we will respond within 7 days. NDNA has a complaints policy which you can ask to see, and it reserves the right to withdraw any nursery from the awards process if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that concerns have been raised, including but not limited to:

  • Safeguarding/child protection
  • Unlawful behaviour
  • Fraudulent voting
  • Deliberate attempt to manipulate the result.

The full shortlist will be made available once shortlisting has taken place.
You will also receive confirmation by email at this time.

Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday 6 June 2025 at Titanic Hotel, Liverpool.

Details regarding tickets will be announced soon.